Prices can be changed without notice depending on market conditions. All prices are our X warehouse. The shown prices are in Canadian Dollar With out shipping and taxes.

We maintain adequate stock on all catalogue items. Your order will be shipped within 5 business days for all stocked items. If order is urgent Please mention while placing order. In case any item is out of stock, your order will be placed in a back order and we will contact you upon arrival of stock.

Online customers
Payment can be made online by Visa, Master Card, Paypall , and email transfer on

Your information will be confidential and will not be passed on to any one for any reason with out your permission.

All merchandise is checked before shipping and any loss/damage should be claimed against shipping company and limited to the cost of product.
Any order that needs to be changed or returned; the claim must be made in writing within 5 business days of receipt of merchandise and shipped only by prior approval.
All returned items should have original packaging, invoice number, business name and return approval code and 15% restocking charges will apply.